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Taking Samples


Patient Reported Outcomes and Survivorship

BCSORP lab highly values patients' perspectives on breast cancer treatment, diagnosis, and recovery. Our goal is to develop treatment approaches that consider patient preferences and are informed by patient-reported outcomes.

Diversity and Disparities

We study socio-economic factors and other variables that lead to gaps in care or may prevent patients from receiving quality breast cancer care. We also investigate strategies for ensuring optimal care for all.

Axillary Management

Our research focuses on best practices for axillary management, including approaches to improve surgical outcomes, decision-making, and reduce morbidity.

Quality and Improvement

Through the science of improvement, we aim to improve the quality of breast cancer care by identifying and analyzing problems, intervening, and measuring the effects of interventions. Our quality improvement mission is to standardize best practices in order to reduce variation, increase reliability, and improve outcomes for patients and healthcare systems.

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